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Clissold Park Clissold Park
10.53 km

Green Lanes, London

1 4.5
"Accessible Stoke Newington park with cafe and mini zoo"

Clissold Park is in London.  All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venu...

Skylark Cafe Skylark Cafe
10.60 km

Dorlcote Road, London

1 1
"No welcome for wheelchair users at the Skylark Café"

The Skylark Cafe is located on Wandsworth Common in London. All information about this venue has been submitted in the form of reviews. If you're from Skylark Cafe, please complete your informati...

Serpentine Galleries Serpentine Galleries
10.84 km

Serpentine Gallery, London

1 5
"Accessible art in the heart of London"

Championing new ideas in contemporary art since it opened in 1970, the Serpentine has presented pioneering exhibitions of 2,263 artists over 45 years, showing a wide range of work from emerging pra...

Park Theatre Park Theatre
11.38 km

13 Clifton Terrace, London

2 5
"Fabulous, accessible, small theatre"

Situated beside Finsbury Park rail, tube and bus station, Park Theatre Cafe Bar contains a 200 seat theatre, 90 seat theatre, education space, Cafe Bar on two levels (open throughout the day) and i...

The Ivy Cafe The Ivy Cafe
11.85 km

120 Saint John's Wood High Street, London

2 0.8
"No feasible disabled toilet"

The Ivy Cafe, St John's Wood is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information...

Today Bread Today Bread
11.99 km

6-10 Central Parade, London

1 5
"A lovely bakery and café with excellent wheelchair access"

Today Bread is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venues...

Southside Southside
12.76 km

Wandsworth, London

0 0

Southside is a quality retail and leisure destination in the heart of Wandsworth, with top brands, dining venues, 4DX Cineworld cinema and top gyms.

Costa Coffee Costa Coffee
13.16 km

1 The Broadway, London

1 3.5
"Large accessible toilet"

Costa Coffee, The Broadway is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information us...

121-130 of 140 results shown