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Grey Grey
0.72 km

Greyfriars Road, Cardiff

1 3
"Must do better"

Grey is in Cardiff. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venues' tab...

Gwdihw Cafe Bar Gwdihw Cafe Bar
0.84 km

6 Guildford Crescent, Cardiff

2 0.5
"Must do better"

Gwdihw Cafe Bar is located in Cardiff, Glamorgan, providing drinks, live music and food. This venue has not yet completed its listing. If you represent Gwdihw Cafe Bar please submit your informat...

Jurys Inn Cardiff Jurys Inn Cardiff
0.86 km

1 Park Place, Cardiff

1 0
"Absolutely dreadful"

Jurys Inn is in Cardiff. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venues'...

New Theatre New Theatre
0.87 km

New Theatre, Cardiff

1 4.5
"Very good access"

The New Theatre is a large-scale Edwardian theatre serving Cardiff and its surrounding population with a wide range of high quality entertainment all year round. It is committed to access for all....

Pret A Manger Pret A Manger
0.89 km

Unit 22-23, Cardiff

2 4.5
"Great cafe but problems with accessible toilet"

Pret A Manger, Capitol Centre is part of the Pret A Manger chain of restaurants. Pret A Manger has npot provided any information.

41-50 of 158 results shown