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The Ivy Cardiff The Ivy Cardiff
0.45 km

69/70 St David’s, Cardiff

2 4.2
"Excellent access. Beautiful venue."

The Ivy Cardiff is in Cardiff. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'V...

The Cardiff Story The Cardiff Story
0.47 km

The Old Library, Cardiff

1 3.5
"Accessible Museum telling the story of Cardiff"

Discover how Cardiff was transformed from a small market town of the 1300s, to one of the world's biggest ports in the 1900s, to the cool, cosmopolitan capital we know today. The Cardiff Story Mus...

Cardiff Castle Cardiff Castle
0.48 km

Castle Street, Cardiff

2 3.8
" Castell Caerdydd"

Cardiff Castle is a medieval castle and Victorian Gothic revival mansion located in the city centre of Cardiff, Wales. The original motte and bailey castle was built in the late 11th century by No...

Wahaca Wahaca
0.49 km

51-53 The Hayes, Cardiff

1 4
"A surprisingly accessible busy restaurant"

Wahaca is in Cardiff. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venues' ta...

Amorino Amorino
0.51 km

11 Saint John Street, Cardiff

1 3
"Amorino Cardiff "

Amorino is an ice cream shop in Cardiff. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information us...

The Cosy Club The Cosy Club
0.52 km

1 Hills Street, Cardiff

3 4.3
"Great place, noisy but fun"

Cosy Clubs celebrate the joys of relaxed dining, drinking and lounging in a fabulous, welcoming setting. Think aristocratic abundance with a dash of local village cricket pavilion pottiness. Our...

21-30 of 158 results shown