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Virgin Hotels Virgin Hotels
0.00 km

1, India Buildings, Edinburgh

2 4.5
"Good afternoon tea in oculus lounge "

Virgin Hotels is a brand of hotels created by Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Group, launched in 2010. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If yo...

Ondine Restaurant Ondine Restaurant
0.04 km

Ondine Restaurant, Edinburgh

1 4
"Fish in a Wheelchair"

Ondine is a luxury seafood restaurant in central Edinburgh. Ondine has not yet completed its listing. If you are from Ondine, please submit your venue information using the List My Venue button a...

Howies Howies
0.05 km

10-14 Victoria Street, Edinburgh

1 3
"Nice wee place with reasonable accessibility"

Locally sourced, seasonal offerings presented in a convivial, bright setting with a relaxed feel. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you...

Mariachi Mariachi
0.06 km

7 Victoria Street, Edinburgh

1 5
"Meal for 4"

Mariachi is in Edinburgh. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venues...

Riddle's Court Riddle's Court
0.07 km

322 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh

0 0

Riddle's Court is a unique C16th merchant house which has been beautiful restored with good disabled access in the heart of Edinburgh's old town on the Royal Mile. It offers guided tours and walks...

Underbelly Bristo Square Underbelly Bristo Square
0.07 km

Bristo Square, Edinburgh

5 4.7
"Disabled comedian or a comedian with a disability?"

At the heart of the Fringe, Underbelly Bristo Square is home to the grand McEwan Hall, CowBarn and a range of other performance spaces. Bristo Square is also home to the best outdoor area for food...

1-10 of 1098 results shown