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Fringe! Otherness Archive: Packed Desire (18*) + ScreenTalk

Fringe! Otherness Archive: Packed Desire (18*) + ScreenTalk article image

To be trans is to be constantly in motion: to relish processes, not ends: to surrender oneself to desire and throw fate to the wind.

These films, all made by people in the same kinds of communities as the ones we live in—explore trans masculinities through love, sex, relationships and one’s body. Running through all of these films, in one form or another, is desire: desire to belong, to be loved, to hold, to fuck, to be. Perhaps the one unifying thread between all these films is that none of them end with a clear resolution. Trans bodies are not linear, and neither are the paths we take to shape them. 

Includes an intermission and readings from the group Jawfillers.
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