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Memory (15) (AD)

Memory (15) (AD) article image
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A woman running from her past becomes intertwined with a man trying to hold on to his, with Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard, directed by Michel Franco.

Sylvia (Chastain), a social worker, single mum and recovering alcoholic, is followed home from her high school reunion by a man, who doesn't remember the encounter in the morning. Their lives become inexplicably linked, with Sylvia trying to run from her past, and Saul (Sarsgaard) trying to hold on to his in light of early on-set dementia. 

From Mexican director Michel Franco, best known for After Lucia that won the Prize Un Certain Regard at Cannes in 2012, is a deeply rooted and mysterious drama that throws the idea of memory up in the air, and lends itself to an unilinear journey of recovery.
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