Barbican Centre Barbican Centre

Barbican Centre

Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS, United Kingdom | 02076384141 | Website

People Like Us: Gone, Gone Beyond

People Like Us: Gone, Gone Beyond article image
Sensory Friendly

Watch and listen as unexpected narratives expand and unravel all at once around you. Inside this immersive, 360-degree cinematic installation, you’ll get to look far beyond the frame. 

Fragments of familiar and experimental films interact with song and audio clips in ever-changing, kaleidoscopic and kinetic collages. As time and space becomes elastic, viewers are opened to multiple meanings and perspectives by this seamless visual and surround-sound experience, with its playful and unsettling observations on popular culture. 

Under her artist name, People Like Us, Vicki Bennett has been evolving the field of audiovisual collage since the early 1990s, cutting up and layering found footage and archives. Considering the way in which our senses process and respond to stimuli in everyday life, her work embeds hidden associations and connections below the surface of the raw source materials.
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