London Library London Library

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London Library

14 Saint James's Square, London, SW1Y 4LG, United Kingdom | 0207766 4700 | Website



Dracula at The London Library - Unique and special place with amazing access and lovely staff


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The London Library is an independent lending library in St James's Square, London. Membership is open to all, on payment of an annual subscription. The Library has an impressive list of members past and present, including Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Bram Stoker, Agatha Christie, Virginia Woolf and Rudyard Kipling, to name a few. My review is about my visit to see a performance of Dracula by Creation Theatre. This was one of the library's special events which was open to non-members. It was a very special evening and the venue has excellent disabled access.

Transport & Parking


he nearest tube station is Green Park, which has step free access, or Piccadilly Circus, which has steps. It's about a 5 - 8 minute walk from either station. Several buses also serve Piccadilly and stop close by. From Piccadilly there is a noticeable, but not too steep. a slope downwards to the Library. If you wanted to avoid the slope up on the way back you could exit the square by turning left onto Pall Mall and walking towards Trafalgar Square.



Excellent, this is an old building which has great access. The main entrance is on St James's Square. There are 6 steps to reception. There is a handrail on both side, and also on both sides near the top there is a pole sticking up (see photo) and I found this very helpful for getting up me up the stairs easily with my crutch. There are 2 sets of double doors at the entrance and these were opened by the staff when the Library opened for the evening performance. There is a separate step free entrance, which I did not use or see. Once inside the front door for the rest of my visit was step free. The reception desk and the other desk, where the bar was for the evening was at standing height. Also in the reception area was a couple of glass cabinets displaying documents and books relating to Bram Stoker. There was bench seating. There is also a cloakroom area, which is self-service. The toilets and Dracula were well signposted. When I used the lift they had placed a sign next to the buttons to say which floor for Dracula, exit and toilets. The performance was on the 1st floor and all the toilets were in the basement. Access was either via the lift or staircase with hand rails on both sides. The room where the performance was staged had rows of freestanding chairs. Tickets including wheelchair users’ spaces can be booked online. Some of the seats were marked with an “i” and described as high chair with back and foot rest, these seats are bar stool style. The auditorium is very small and intimate with only 5 rows. For me venues like this are brilliant as not only does it feel very special to visit but it isn’t crowded and that makes it easier for me to get around.



All the toilets are in the basement. There is a separate accessible toilet cubicle which doesn’t require a key. The toilet was clean and spacious. There were plenty of grab rails and an emergency cord (although it was tied up when I visited). The accessible toilet has been well thought out with coat hooks at 2 different heights and it had the most beautiful flooring I have ever seen in an accessible toilet, which was a delight to find as so often accessible toilets are just functional and don’t have the same finishing touches the adjacent regular toilets.



Exceptionally helpful and friendly. I phoned before the performance to check about their bag policy and they were able to provide me with useful information. When I arrived staff were welcoming and collection of my ticket from their make shift box office was quick. Staff at the bar were friendly and helpful. When I raised about the emergency cord they said they would sort it out. In the auditorium staff where there to welcome and show you were your seats were.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Loved it. Dracula has a limited run at the London Library, but it has already been extended. Wheelchair users would have to make contact with the Library to arrange step free access but once inside the access facilities are excellent. Dracula was an impressive production. The cast of 2 actors, who both took on several characters, was thrilling and entertaining. It was performed in a room lined with rows of books, which provided a unique venue. The London Library had given the staging of Dracula a lot of thought. It was amazing to be in the building where Bram Stoker researched and found inspiration for Dracula and that there was a special display of Stoker related documents. There was a pop up bar in the entrance hall. I hope this is the start of regular performances being held at The London Library. They have had so many famous authors who have been members, which would provide them with an endless choice of productions to stage. My special request if for the staging of Agatha Christie’s The Body in the Library. Highly recommend. Thank you to The London Library.


The main entrance Picture of The London Library Picture of The London Library Picture of The London Library Picture of The London Library Picture of The London Library Accessible Toilet Picture of The London Library Picture of The London Library Picture of The London Library Handle on stairs made it easier to use Accessible toilet Stage Great signage Pop up bar on left

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