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Review of 1331 restaurant/bar
Visit date:
This venue would probably be wheelchair accessible, the staff were friendly and the food was lovely - they do some good cocktails here!
Transport & Parking
This venue doesn't have parking but there is a park and ride that stops at exhibition square and you'd have to access the venue on foot over cobbled streets or there is a street in front of the venue where you could be dropped off.
There is a ramp (permanent, moderate slope) and a set of steps into the venue's main entrance. The steps are shallow and not clearly marked. The doors are heavy and pull towards you. There are additional floors which are only accessible by stairs - but the toilets are all on the ground floor. The venue is well lit and does play background music. The lowest table was roughly 2ft from the floor. The tables and chairs aren't permanently fixed. I wasn't aware of induction loop. The menus are handheld, in a clear font and are presented in contrasting colours.
The disabled toilet can be found across the courtyard, about 10 metres from the accessible entrance. The toilet is unisex and you have to get the keys for it from behind the bar. It's about 6ft by 4ft with lateral transfer space and wall mounted rails, some of which dropped down. There is a sink and hand dryer. This toilet didn't have a functioning alarm, paper hand towels or a coat hook.
The staff were very friendly and served us at the table. I don't know whether it is mandatory for staff here to receive disability awareness or equality training.
Anything else you wish to tell us?
I think for a place in York, particularly where the buildings are quite old, this venue had average access but the staff seemed happy enough to help.
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