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The Cockpit The Cockpit
3.57 km

Gateforth Street , London

0 0

The Cockpit is a flexible, black box theatre space in West London, seating up to 200 people. We host a variety of theatre, music, dance, touring shows, children's show, and show cases, along with...

Greenwood Greenwood
3.92 km

170 Victoria Street, London

1 4.5
"Fully Accessible Bar/Restaurant with friendly staff at Victoria"

Greenwood is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Venues'...

Crocker's Folly Crocker's Folly
3.93 km

24 Aberdeen Place, London

1 4.5
"Decadent Afternoon Tea Treat in Ground Floor, Disabled Accessible Restaurant and Pub"

Crocker's Folly is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your information using the 'Ve...

Wilton's Music Hall Wilton's Music Hall
4.11 km

Graces Alley, London

1 3
"Wilton's Music Hall Access"

Wilton's is the world's oldest surviving Grand Music Hall and London's best kept secret. This stunning and atmospheric building is led by Frances Mayhew and produces an exciting programme of imagi...

The Dickens Inn The Dickens Inn
4.14 km

St Katherihnes Docks, London

0 0

A 200 year old building set in the heart of central London - a five minute walk from the tower of London. . We have a grill restaurant, a pizza restaurant, and 2 bars. We also have a fantastic fu...

Park Theatre Park Theatre
4.21 km

13 Clifton Terrace, London

2 5
"Fabulous, accessible, small theatre"

Situated beside Finsbury Park rail, tube and bus station, Park Theatre Cafe Bar contains a 200 seat theatre, 90 seat theatre, education space, Cafe Bar on two levels (open throughout the day) and i...

White Swan White Swan
4.38 km

14 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London

1 4
"Cheerful, accessible, good put stop after Tate Britain. "

White Swan, Vauxhall Bridge Road is in London. All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this location please submit your informat...

71-80 of 133 results shown