Blackpool Model Village & Gardens Blackpool Model Village & Gardens

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Blackpool Model Village & Gardens

West Park Drive, Blackpool, FY3 9RB, United Kingdom | 01253 763827 | Website


Sightseer - Chapter 2

Blackpool Model Village



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Hearing Aid, Walking Aid, Wheelchair


The model Village is next to Stanley Park in the town on East Park Drive the village is situated in a land scape garden setting with a mixture of trees plants and flowers as well as some water features as well. There is a wide range of models on show from country cottages, Villages with market as well as things like Castles and windmills and light houses a number of the model have figures standing outside them to help display scale etc. A few of the scenes include a train going around a track that you can operate using a large button on a fence post the venue has a range of ticket prices from family to concision tickets. There is also a small gift shop and café this is where you purchase your tickets on the way in to the venue. There is no right or wrong way round the venue however you might be given a sheet to follow to answer questions about the village that goes in to a draw

Transport & Parking


The parking area is about 60 meters to the left of the gate into the venue however there are no parking spaces marked out and the car park contains a lot of lose stones an gravel that are not ideal for wheelchair users. There is a charge for the park car on top of your ticket price



A the shop where you purchase your ticket there is no major problems you might be allowed in the exit gate as the ramp or hill to the entrance gate is very steep. Once at the start you find a layout of paths that cross over each other and you will often go in a loop around a few of the models. The majority of the paths are a mixture of concrete and tar and many of them are uneven due to a number of plant etc. that over hand and the fact that some of the paths are narrow it can be difficult if you self propel in your wheelchair. The same point is also true of the small wooden bridge you cross as you make your way round the venue. It was difficult for a wheelchair and pram to pass on many parts of the venue. Children in wheelchairs might find it difficult to view some of the models as they can be hidden by plants and fencing at some sections



A good but basic accessible toilet it was very clean and had grip rails available but not Red cord available the toilet is next to the ladies toilet right next to the ticket point shop café You access the toilet via a ramp the first door was open once through this the door was a head of you and opened out the way. The sink for the ladies toilet is in the area you pass through and so care is required when you open the door in case children are standing waiting on mum



The one member of staff we spoke to was pleasant and friendly

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I had been looking forward to visiting this venue but was very disappointed due to issues with the paths and general lack of space a large mobility scooter would not be suitable for this venue There is also a seasonal bus service that runs from around the town area to the venue


Blackpool Model Village Blackpool Model Village Blackpool Model Village Blackpool Model Village Accessible Toilet

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