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Dundee Law Dundee Law
3.47 km

Law Road, Dundee

1 4.5
"Excellent viewpoint to see Dundee & surrounding area"

Dundee Law is a hill in the centre of Dundee, Scotland, and is the highest point in the city. The Law is what remains of a volcanic sill, which is the result of volcanic activity around 400 millio...

Dundee Rep Theatre Dundee Rep Theatre
4.80 km

Tay Square, Dundee

2 4.8
"Excellent Facilities and a Great Restaurant and Theatre"

Scotland’s most forward thinking mainstream venue and arts provider, Dundee Rep Theatre sits at the cultural heart of Dundee as a centre of creative excellence. We aim to ensure that all visitors...

Dundee Science Centre Dundee Science Centre
4.95 km

Greenmarket, Dundee

4 4.6
"Incredible accessible changing/bathroom facility"

Dundee Science Centre is unique visitor attraction and resource for the community inspiring people of all ages to explore and understand the world around them, to discover and enjoy science with lo...

1-10 of 20 results shown