Dynamic Earth Dynamic Earth

Dynamic Earth

Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, EH8 8AS, United Kingdom | 0131 550 7800 | Website
Attractions Attractions

Getting Here

There are several open top tour buses which make regular stops at Dynamic Earth. The number 35 stops a 3-minute walk away from Dynamic Earth. Alternative routes include the 5, 7, 14, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 45 and 49 which stop on North Bridge and are a 10-minute walk away along Holyrood Road.


We have six disabled parking bays in our car park. Their location can be found in our Access Statement. Free parking is available for all Blue Badge Holders, parking tickets must be validated at the ticket desk or our security entrance before leaving. The car park has a height limit of 2.3 meters. Spaces are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis and cannot be reserved beforehand.

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